Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sour sop Fruit


By Te Na
Sour sop Fruit

Today we meet a lot of diseases that are quite difficult to cure, including cancer. Various kinds of medical drugs for cancer treatment has been investigated but the results are not maximized. The miracle of sour sop fruit is the answer.
Sour sop fruit that taste refreshing, sweet and sour, is one of the natural alternative drugs against cancer.
According to research, this fruit has the healing power of ten thousand times more than the chemo therapy and is very safe because it only attacks the bad cells (cancer) and not the good cells. 

Stages of labor power sour sop fruit against cancer:
- Destroying cancer cells safely and effectively naturally without the nausea, hair loss, weight loss like that happen to chemo therapy.
- Protecting the immune system and prevent deadly infections.
- Increased energy and improved physical appearance

For centuries the Indian tribes already using bark, roots leaves, fruit flesh and seeds as a cure asthma, heart disease, liver disorders and arthritis. 

Pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. also have done research and tests and the results are staggering, especially very effective as cancer cell killing machine. 

For the prevention of various diseases, sour sop fruit juice is highly recommended for consumed regularly, but if the cure for cancer therapy, the following potion:
- Boil 10 pieces of old sour sop leaf (dark green leaf color) with 3 cups water. Wait until the remaining 1 cup of water and drink this mixture 2 times a day. After drinking a hot effect similar to the effects of chemotherapy. 

After taking for 2 weeks, check with the physician and the results were quite amazing. Se-cancerous abnormal cells greatly reduced, without damaging healthy cells. 

In addition to functioning as a cure for cancer / tumors are efficacious, sour sop fruit is also effective as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, lowers high blood pressure, depression, stress, against different types of parasites / worms and normalize the nervous system that are less good.

Now you can find out how much property sour sop fruit in the prevention and treatment of various diseases especially cancer / tumor.

Please read another articles such as Water and Wealth

Friday, September 24, 2010

Changing Fate


 By Te Na

Changing Fate
Some people consider the fate determined by destiny. Changing fate is thought to occur by chance.At first glance the above allegation was true. Try it note, some people live an abundant, successful career, healthy and live with prosperity, but on the other hand, live with all difficulties, sickly and all deficiencies.

Basically, fate can be changed, from good to bad or from bad to good. This depends on the habits of our daily lives.
Whoever does not want bad luck, all want to have good luck.

Following the positive ways of changing fate :
1. Believe instinct
A good way to improve the ability to listen to instinct is to empty the mind / meditation. With a clean mind allows us to know the intuition that there is in our minds.

2. Face the fear
The only way to overcome fear is to face it. If you hide from fear, you miss the opportunities that are before you. So face the fear and grab your chance.

3. Song for change karma
Sing songs that contain positive values, such as prayer sung in rhythm, this will strengthen your soul.

4. Clean piles
Old items that are not used anymore, clean. This frees us from the old emotions that drain our energy to move forward.

5. Taste like to know
The more you feel you want to know, you are getting ready for the chance to be lucky. Open your eyes and ask questions, do not expect anything. Curiosity might lead you toward your luck.

6. Take small steps
Success does not happen in one night. Success needs a lot of effort to move forward and sometimes difficult. The best and most effective way to achieve what you want, remain open with the power of the universe and gain the fortune of your dreams with small steps.

7. Try new things
Out of the comfort zone and dare to take calculated risks will provide opportunities for the unexpected.

8. Do not give up
People who succeed are those who never quit on the failures they experienced. He always kept his failure as a reference for advanced. People who are not fortunate to be surrendered.

9. Imagine your good fortune
Imagine your soul open windows and fresh air brings with her positive energy. Look at yourself in detail and feel the feelings of  lucky.

10. Ask what you want
People who fared well was always asking what they want  full confidence, if the request is rejected, consider the answer as a refusal temporary and permanent request at another time.

11. Stay Motivated
Read books that provide inspiration and hang out with people who motivate.

12. Hope for the best
Convince yourself that the future will bring luck. These expectations become like a prophecy that really did happen. Just ask people around you, you will find good people and bad luck have a completely opposite expectations.

Check up the other articles of Faith and True Love

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wife Is A Husband Power


By Te Na

Wife Is A Husband Power
A successful man there beside definitely a smart woman or wife is a husband power. Surely you never know the statement. Have you ever explore further why it disclosed?
Actually this is the ultimate secret that should be known by their husbands if they want to succeed.

Then what is meant  wife is a husband power?

Marriage is the union of male and female. This makes the position between men and women to be balanced. No one is superior between the two, advantages and disadvantages of each will complement each other. Unification of consciousness that is the foundation of man's supernatural power. When the wife was not happy, then it will impact on their husbands because they are one, and vice versa, if the wife happy, husband will also be happy, so the concept is the "first lady".

Over time, the process of self recognition between husband and wife have increased with the creation of mutual respect and to take actions that create a sense of comfort to her partner, they feel one with her partner. So no doubt the marriage will be happy.

Many cases we can see when a spouse at the top, suddenly comes a temptation, trapped in another woman's husband. This is certainly an impact on wives feeling uncomfortable so soon after her husband became a career low tide.
But there are also couples who are on top can through a variety of temptations and they are even stronger in her family that her husband's success has increased and the scent of his family name.

Now back to the husband, "Have you made your wife happy?" Because that's where your true magic lies. 'Cause wife is a husband power.

 Please read my other articles of Monogamy and True Love

Wednesday, September 15, 2010



By Te Na

What is a monogamy ? Marriage is not a meeting of women and men by chance. Marriage is a bond that is closed, forge ties of men and women become one, one in the union of body, mind heart, and only one time in life. Perfect mix of four to produce an ideal marriage. 

Unification of the body or physical, of course, is an important part in marriage. Unity of mind is a mental bond that exists between husband and wife. Institute of mixing it comes to ideas, values, standards, norms, ideals and so forth. This is part of the spiritual ladder monogamy

Spiritual Appliances monogamy also fix the difference. Sometimes the husband and wife can start their marriage with a different view. But slowly with persistent efforts from both sides, they can change minds become one direction. This can be done by reading good literature, engaged in work culture, make friends with good people, listening to the discourse of the sages and so forth. 

By doing  monogamy will help the mind in digesting the correct values and ideals in life and will help develop the inner spirit of inquiry in sorting between right and wrong. 

Monogamy is an alliance of heart or emotion. For the success of the unity of emotion, the properties of what is important is unconditional love, understanding, tolerance, compassion, generosity, kindness, gentleness, caring and forgiving. These things will not come automatically, but these values should be planted, maintained and developed as young seedlings. 

After the husband and wife realize and recognize the true value and the ideal of monogamous life, they will try to have the properties and the right tools needed to build a solid emotional unity. 

Harmonious combination of physical, mental and emotional bonds between husbands and wives in monogamy will not only bring a happy marriage, but also create a happy home. Parents who are united in happiness and harmony will be perceived by their children. They will create the right environment and appropriate for their children who will be able to acquire and develop proper values and proper in life. 

It is sad that the real purpose of monogamy has been lost from modern ideas. If you ask a man or young woman in an era now why they marry, someone might say that it is accepted and expected by society. Others might say that, marriage is to gain social status, economic status or increase the insurance. Some people think that marriage is the solution to the problem of caring for the elderly and some even think that it is guaranteed to cope with loneliness in old age. 

The actual facts are monogamy is a process of spiritual improvement, bringing together men and women. Before their marriage is half of the part, but after marriage they got together and become a part. The husband considers his wife the only woman who loved and owned by husband and wife assume the only person who loved and owned. This is the beginning exercise for us to learn to focus on couples and ultimately, helps us to focus only on God. And this is the result of our true spiritual improvement, united with God.

It is a sacred duty to husband and wife work together, striving for spiritual progress. monogamy help guide, promote and provide encouragement in their spiritual journey until they get a sense of identity and unity with God.

This is the real meaning of monogamy. Marriage is the bridge between humanity and divinity which is traversed by a husband and wife in the balance, unity and harmony. 

You can read my other articles of  True Love and Changing Fate

Saturday, September 11, 2010



Dear friend,
I don't always know the answer...
They're not always in the book, but I know my faith can find them.
For faith knows where to look.

I don't know the road to heaven... I have never been before.
But I know the one who is the way, and He'll show me heaven's door.

Monday, September 6, 2010



ByTe Na


is the most basic needs for humans, animals, plants and other creatures on this earth.
When the water shortage will be many problems that arise, from plague to death. 

Therefore we recommend to drink at least 2.5 liters of water every day or about 8 glasses. This is important because to maintain balance and metabolism in the body. When the intake of fluid into the body is not balanced with spending, then you will experience problems or dehydration. 

Here are some properties of water:

1. Keeping the humidity in the organs of the body to stay cool, not shrinking. It also keep skin moist with perspiration. 

2. Keeping the blood and lymph in the body has sufficient volume and viscosity. When the body is dehydrated, the blood thickens, it will certainly disrupt the way blood as a means of transport oxygen and nutrients. Blood through the kidneys as filters toxins in the blood. Filter in the kidney is very smooth, so that when blood is thicker then the kidneys must work extra hard, and if this is allowed then the kidneys will be damaged so that someday could hemodialysis or dialysis. 

3. Maintain body temperature. The human body consists of 70% of the working fluid in the process of digestion, absorption, circulation, saliva production, transportation, nutrition and defense for the body temperature. 

4. Drinking water in large quantities can cause toxic waste or toxins in the body. Sewers through sweat, urine and breathing. 

5. As the media which deliver vitamins and nutrients to all cells and organs. 

6. Streamlining the digestive system, prevents stomach ulcers and constipation. Burning calories will also be run efficiently. 

7. Maintain skin smoothness and moisture. Water consumed is very important to set strukttur and skin function, healthy skin cells so the skin remains smooth and soft. 

8. Avoid kidney stones. The main garbage in the body is urea nitrogen soluble in water, then filtered in the kidneys and excreted through urine. The kidneys will work very well if supported body fluid balance. Urine will flow freely, clear and odor free. 

9. Avoid dehydration. Thirst is a symptom of dehydration, therefore, often to drink, do not need to wait for thirsty to drink water. 

10. Helps improve muscle energy, if the muscle pain and fatigue are signs of fluid in the body is not balanced. 

11. Control calories. In recent years, participants were non-calorie diet drink lots of water as a way to lose weight. This creates a feeling of satiety. 

12. Help the body move freely. Joints and muscles will not function properly if no lubricant produced by the water, which helps limber up your body. 

13. Slowing the growth of cancer-causing substances. 

14. Increased production of testosterone in men and estrogen in women. The trick with getting used to bathe with cold water, especially in the morning. 

15. Healthy heart, also a stroke drug.

By knowing the benefits of water so much, should we value our lives with water to use as possible and prevent them from pollution from industrial waste and garbage. 

Please read other articles of  Water and Urine Life Water

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sour sop Fruit


By Te Na
Sour sop Fruit

Today we meet a lot of diseases that are quite difficult to cure, including cancer. Various kinds of medical drugs for cancer treatment has been investigated but the results are not maximized. The miracle of sour sop fruit is the answer.
Sour sop fruit that taste refreshing, sweet and sour, is one of the natural alternative drugs against cancer.
According to research, this fruit has the healing power of ten thousand times more than the chemo therapy and is very safe because it only attacks the bad cells (cancer) and not the good cells. 

Stages of labor power sour sop fruit against cancer:
- Destroying cancer cells safely and effectively naturally without the nausea, hair loss, weight loss like that happen to chemo therapy.
- Protecting the immune system and prevent deadly infections.
- Increased energy and improved physical appearance

For centuries the Indian tribes already using bark, roots leaves, fruit flesh and seeds as a cure asthma, heart disease, liver disorders and arthritis. 

Pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. also have done research and tests and the results are staggering, especially very effective as cancer cell killing machine. 

For the prevention of various diseases, sour sop fruit juice is highly recommended for consumed regularly, but if the cure for cancer therapy, the following potion:
- Boil 10 pieces of old sour sop leaf (dark green leaf color) with 3 cups water. Wait until the remaining 1 cup of water and drink this mixture 2 times a day. After drinking a hot effect similar to the effects of chemotherapy. 

After taking for 2 weeks, check with the physician and the results were quite amazing. Se-cancerous abnormal cells greatly reduced, without damaging healthy cells. 

In addition to functioning as a cure for cancer / tumors are efficacious, sour sop fruit is also effective as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, lowers high blood pressure, depression, stress, against different types of parasites / worms and normalize the nervous system that are less good.

Now you can find out how much property sour sop fruit in the prevention and treatment of various diseases especially cancer / tumor.

Please read another articles such as Water and Wealth

Friday, September 24, 2010

Changing Fate


 By Te Na

Changing Fate
Some people consider the fate determined by destiny. Changing fate is thought to occur by chance.At first glance the above allegation was true. Try it note, some people live an abundant, successful career, healthy and live with prosperity, but on the other hand, live with all difficulties, sickly and all deficiencies.

Basically, fate can be changed, from good to bad or from bad to good. This depends on the habits of our daily lives.
Whoever does not want bad luck, all want to have good luck.

Following the positive ways of changing fate :
1. Believe instinct
A good way to improve the ability to listen to instinct is to empty the mind / meditation. With a clean mind allows us to know the intuition that there is in our minds.

2. Face the fear
The only way to overcome fear is to face it. If you hide from fear, you miss the opportunities that are before you. So face the fear and grab your chance.

3. Song for change karma
Sing songs that contain positive values, such as prayer sung in rhythm, this will strengthen your soul.

4. Clean piles
Old items that are not used anymore, clean. This frees us from the old emotions that drain our energy to move forward.

5. Taste like to know
The more you feel you want to know, you are getting ready for the chance to be lucky. Open your eyes and ask questions, do not expect anything. Curiosity might lead you toward your luck.

6. Take small steps
Success does not happen in one night. Success needs a lot of effort to move forward and sometimes difficult. The best and most effective way to achieve what you want, remain open with the power of the universe and gain the fortune of your dreams with small steps.

7. Try new things
Out of the comfort zone and dare to take calculated risks will provide opportunities for the unexpected.

8. Do not give up
People who succeed are those who never quit on the failures they experienced. He always kept his failure as a reference for advanced. People who are not fortunate to be surrendered.

9. Imagine your good fortune
Imagine your soul open windows and fresh air brings with her positive energy. Look at yourself in detail and feel the feelings of  lucky.

10. Ask what you want
People who fared well was always asking what they want  full confidence, if the request is rejected, consider the answer as a refusal temporary and permanent request at another time.

11. Stay Motivated
Read books that provide inspiration and hang out with people who motivate.

12. Hope for the best
Convince yourself that the future will bring luck. These expectations become like a prophecy that really did happen. Just ask people around you, you will find good people and bad luck have a completely opposite expectations.

Check up the other articles of Faith and True Love

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wife Is A Husband Power


By Te Na

Wife Is A Husband Power
A successful man there beside definitely a smart woman or wife is a husband power. Surely you never know the statement. Have you ever explore further why it disclosed?
Actually this is the ultimate secret that should be known by their husbands if they want to succeed.

Then what is meant  wife is a husband power?

Marriage is the union of male and female. This makes the position between men and women to be balanced. No one is superior between the two, advantages and disadvantages of each will complement each other. Unification of consciousness that is the foundation of man's supernatural power. When the wife was not happy, then it will impact on their husbands because they are one, and vice versa, if the wife happy, husband will also be happy, so the concept is the "first lady".

Over time, the process of self recognition between husband and wife have increased with the creation of mutual respect and to take actions that create a sense of comfort to her partner, they feel one with her partner. So no doubt the marriage will be happy.

Many cases we can see when a spouse at the top, suddenly comes a temptation, trapped in another woman's husband. This is certainly an impact on wives feeling uncomfortable so soon after her husband became a career low tide.
But there are also couples who are on top can through a variety of temptations and they are even stronger in her family that her husband's success has increased and the scent of his family name.

Now back to the husband, "Have you made your wife happy?" Because that's where your true magic lies. 'Cause wife is a husband power.

 Please read my other articles of Monogamy and True Love

Wednesday, September 15, 2010



By Te Na

What is a monogamy ? Marriage is not a meeting of women and men by chance. Marriage is a bond that is closed, forge ties of men and women become one, one in the union of body, mind heart, and only one time in life. Perfect mix of four to produce an ideal marriage. 

Unification of the body or physical, of course, is an important part in marriage. Unity of mind is a mental bond that exists between husband and wife. Institute of mixing it comes to ideas, values, standards, norms, ideals and so forth. This is part of the spiritual ladder monogamy

Spiritual Appliances monogamy also fix the difference. Sometimes the husband and wife can start their marriage with a different view. But slowly with persistent efforts from both sides, they can change minds become one direction. This can be done by reading good literature, engaged in work culture, make friends with good people, listening to the discourse of the sages and so forth. 

By doing  monogamy will help the mind in digesting the correct values and ideals in life and will help develop the inner spirit of inquiry in sorting between right and wrong. 

Monogamy is an alliance of heart or emotion. For the success of the unity of emotion, the properties of what is important is unconditional love, understanding, tolerance, compassion, generosity, kindness, gentleness, caring and forgiving. These things will not come automatically, but these values should be planted, maintained and developed as young seedlings. 

After the husband and wife realize and recognize the true value and the ideal of monogamous life, they will try to have the properties and the right tools needed to build a solid emotional unity. 

Harmonious combination of physical, mental and emotional bonds between husbands and wives in monogamy will not only bring a happy marriage, but also create a happy home. Parents who are united in happiness and harmony will be perceived by their children. They will create the right environment and appropriate for their children who will be able to acquire and develop proper values and proper in life. 

It is sad that the real purpose of monogamy has been lost from modern ideas. If you ask a man or young woman in an era now why they marry, someone might say that it is accepted and expected by society. Others might say that, marriage is to gain social status, economic status or increase the insurance. Some people think that marriage is the solution to the problem of caring for the elderly and some even think that it is guaranteed to cope with loneliness in old age. 

The actual facts are monogamy is a process of spiritual improvement, bringing together men and women. Before their marriage is half of the part, but after marriage they got together and become a part. The husband considers his wife the only woman who loved and owned by husband and wife assume the only person who loved and owned. This is the beginning exercise for us to learn to focus on couples and ultimately, helps us to focus only on God. And this is the result of our true spiritual improvement, united with God.

It is a sacred duty to husband and wife work together, striving for spiritual progress. monogamy help guide, promote and provide encouragement in their spiritual journey until they get a sense of identity and unity with God.

This is the real meaning of monogamy. Marriage is the bridge between humanity and divinity which is traversed by a husband and wife in the balance, unity and harmony. 

You can read my other articles of  True Love and Changing Fate

Saturday, September 11, 2010



Dear friend,
I don't always know the answer...
They're not always in the book, but I know my faith can find them.
For faith knows where to look.

I don't know the road to heaven... I have never been before.
But I know the one who is the way, and He'll show me heaven's door.

Monday, September 6, 2010



ByTe Na


is the most basic needs for humans, animals, plants and other creatures on this earth.
When the water shortage will be many problems that arise, from plague to death. 

Therefore we recommend to drink at least 2.5 liters of water every day or about 8 glasses. This is important because to maintain balance and metabolism in the body. When the intake of fluid into the body is not balanced with spending, then you will experience problems or dehydration. 

Here are some properties of water:

1. Keeping the humidity in the organs of the body to stay cool, not shrinking. It also keep skin moist with perspiration. 

2. Keeping the blood and lymph in the body has sufficient volume and viscosity. When the body is dehydrated, the blood thickens, it will certainly disrupt the way blood as a means of transport oxygen and nutrients. Blood through the kidneys as filters toxins in the blood. Filter in the kidney is very smooth, so that when blood is thicker then the kidneys must work extra hard, and if this is allowed then the kidneys will be damaged so that someday could hemodialysis or dialysis. 

3. Maintain body temperature. The human body consists of 70% of the working fluid in the process of digestion, absorption, circulation, saliva production, transportation, nutrition and defense for the body temperature. 

4. Drinking water in large quantities can cause toxic waste or toxins in the body. Sewers through sweat, urine and breathing. 

5. As the media which deliver vitamins and nutrients to all cells and organs. 

6. Streamlining the digestive system, prevents stomach ulcers and constipation. Burning calories will also be run efficiently. 

7. Maintain skin smoothness and moisture. Water consumed is very important to set strukttur and skin function, healthy skin cells so the skin remains smooth and soft. 

8. Avoid kidney stones. The main garbage in the body is urea nitrogen soluble in water, then filtered in the kidneys and excreted through urine. The kidneys will work very well if supported body fluid balance. Urine will flow freely, clear and odor free. 

9. Avoid dehydration. Thirst is a symptom of dehydration, therefore, often to drink, do not need to wait for thirsty to drink water. 

10. Helps improve muscle energy, if the muscle pain and fatigue are signs of fluid in the body is not balanced. 

11. Control calories. In recent years, participants were non-calorie diet drink lots of water as a way to lose weight. This creates a feeling of satiety. 

12. Help the body move freely. Joints and muscles will not function properly if no lubricant produced by the water, which helps limber up your body. 

13. Slowing the growth of cancer-causing substances. 

14. Increased production of testosterone in men and estrogen in women. The trick with getting used to bathe with cold water, especially in the morning. 

15. Healthy heart, also a stroke drug.

By knowing the benefits of water so much, should we value our lives with water to use as possible and prevent them from pollution from industrial waste and garbage. 

Please read other articles of  Water and Urine Life Water